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The Volunteer Fire Company of Halfway responded on over 3,900 incidents in 2024.  Approximately 2700 of those calls were Medical Emergencies.   Approximately 300 calls were Vehicle Accidents.  Approximately 100 reported structure fires.  Followed with your typical assortment of emergency and non-emergency requests for service.   With running calls on the interstate and running mutual aid with the City of Hagerstown, our station is one of the busiest departments in Washington County.


There are numerous opportunities to make a meaningful impact in your community when you join with The Volunteer Fire Company of Halfway. The number of emergency calls is on the rise so let’s match these numbers with an increased number of volunteers. Whether you are someone considering making firefighting your career, an empty-nester trying to figure out where you are needed next, a young adult seeking to learn more about an exciting opportunity, or a retiree with skills who would like to give back to the community, there is a volunteer role for you within our organization

Volunteering is one of the best ways to get the necessary training and experience to be an attractive candidate for a career firefighting position. If you crave adventure there is nothing more thrilling or challenging than fighting a fire, riding fast to the scene, or climbing an aerial ladder to reach a victim. Thrills aside, being a volunteer comes with a great amount of rewards and personal satisfaction.


Not everyone in our membership is an active firefighter. There are many needs throughout the department. Filling an administrative role or providing support as a social member may be just what you’re searching to do.


Our membership is open to individuals as young as 15 years old. If you’re interested in becoming a member please download the online application and read through the numerous benefits which come with being a member in good-standing at Volunteer Fire Company of Halfway.  Once you fill out the application, you can print it out and bring it by or send it to us by mail.

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The Volunteer Fire Company has two different classifications of Membership: One is Operational, and the other is Administrative.  Both are important roles that are necessary for keeping the company running.

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Our Operational Members are the ones attending the training and responding on calls.  They are the ones on the front-lines handling the emergency calls as they come in.  Obtaining their certification and taking the extra classes to keep up on all the current techniques is a necessary part of their role.



Our administrative members operate behind the scenes to ensure everything runs smoothly. Administrative members share many responsibilities including preparing for local fundraisers, assisting with bingo, maintaining apparatus, and much more. Without their assistance the company would not be able to function properly.


All of our members— Junior (ages 16-17), active firefighters, and administrative— enjoy these perks with their membership:


Lifelong Friendships & Belonging to the Department Family

Our members share a common bond as they serve the community, train together, work together responding to calls, and participate in department fundraising and community events. This all translates into strong friendships which often span many, many years. The rewards of belonging to a department family are felt whether you are on or off duty.


Duty Night Dinners

The kitchen table is the cornerstone of every firehouse and is where members spend time passing along stories and traditions. Whatever is being prepared it’s sure to be enjoyed. Come, share a meal with the other volunteers.

High-Quality Training

When you bring your commitment to learn, we will provide the training for free. From in-house training to local and national training, you will be exposed to a wide array of emergency services education and exercises. You will learn new skills and have numerous opportunities to keep your skills honed and ready for use. Some trainings are transferable to college credits for those pursuing firefighting degree programs.


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Uniforms

Our members are provided the latest in turnout gear free of charge. The cost of each set of gear is covered through a partnership between Station 26 and the county. All active firefighters are provided fire resistant coats, pants, boots, gloves, and a helmet. For a minimal fee, our members may purchase a fire station navy logo tee shirt through our department’s in-house store.


Maryland State Tax Credit and Length of Service Award Program (LOSAP)

After three years of active service members may be eligible to receive a generous annual State of Maryland tax credit. The LOSAP Program rewards long-term volunteers, those serving 25+ years, with rewards based on your years of service. Our Membership Coordinator can explain the details of each of these benefits during your application process if you have any questions.


Live-In Program

Live-in positions for active firefighters are available with the Chief’s approval (and as bunk space becomes available) for those who meet the following criteria:

  • Individual must be age 18 or over and graduated from high school.

  • Individual must maintain steady employment or be an enrolled college student.

  • Individual is responsible to run all calls outside of their employment hours or college class schedule as well as participate in all station, community events, and fundraisers.

  • Individual is granted access to our in-house laundry facility and provided a minimally sized private closet space.


Exercise & Workout Room

To aid our members in achieving the physical standards required by the department, your membership includes access to both cardio and weight-training equipment in our in-house gym.

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