VFC of Halfway Wins Vote For Best Volunteer Fire Company of 2021
MAR 30, 2021
On March 30th, it was announced that The Volunteer Fire Company of Halfway was voted The Best Volunteer Fire & Rescue Company of 2021 for the Tri-State Area. We wish to thank all those who voted for us to be recognized as the best! Thank You to our community and local businesses who continually support our department, especially during the past year’s pandemic! Most of all, a special thanks to our personnel who make Halfway what it is!
We would like to say congratulations to Franklin Fire Company on winning Second Place and to our neighbors to the south, Williamsport Fire & EMS winning the Runner Up Spot. We are very humbled to be recognized as the best among so many well deserving departments listed on 101.5 Bob Rocks Best of the Tristate! Thank You All, and Thank You Bob Rocks! https://www.1015bobrocks.com/